Saturday, August 30, 2008

Gas Prices Are TOO HIGH!

Atleast hip-hop recording star Sean "P-Diddy" Combs agrees! In a tragic turn of events, P-Diddy has been forced to ground his private jet (which costs an estimated 200k per flight) and resort to flying first class on American Airlines. Folks, this is insane, we cannot allow this to spread any further. What would happen is Tom Cruise or John Travolta were forced to fly on a peasant cattle car like American, Southwest or Jet Blue?! I'll tell you what would happen, They would join the mile high club in the bathroom together. Seriously though, P-Diddy had a shout out for all his Saudi Arabian brothers and Sisters and "every other country that has oil" and asked, "please send me some free oil so I can fill up my jet." I encourage oil producing nations to fulfill this request. Please send P-Diddy a few barrels of crude oil so he can pump it right in the wing tanks of his multi-million dollar private jet. Once he has completely destroyed every filter, pump and fuel line in his engines from using crude oil instead of jet fuel, maybe he'll realize how much of a shit for brains he is acting like. Someone needs to take away his Pro-Activ solution.

P-Diddy on gas prices video

Friday, August 29, 2008

DB Cooper Hijacking Was The Greatest Heist Ever!

I already felt that way but ALL TWO of you decided in my highly scientific poll that DB Cooper's Heist tops them all!

I agree, thanks to the two people who voted in my poll!

Now I encourage you to vote on what song you think is the best Slayer song ever. While practically every Slayer song ever recorded is a heavy metal masterpiece, which one speaks to you? Which one makes YOU want to go chug a chalice of blood, scream SLAYER! at the top of your tar filled lungs while carving the famous runed S Slayer logo onto your arms before shooting yourself dead?! For me? That's every goddamned Slayer song, without the suicide part anyway...

Black Helicopters over Portland

Yes.. I'm afraid it's true. The Military is practicing "Urban Warfare Training" in Portland and Salem this week.

Why is this wrong? Here is a brief excerpt from Wikipedia on the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 -

* The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 16, 1878 after the end of Reconstruction. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (the Army, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement police or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states, their counties and municipal divisions) in the former Confederate states.

* The statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Coast Guard is exempt from the Posse Comitatus Act.

* The Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act substantially limit the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement.

What are they training for? Policing urban streets? Seems to me that even practicing it in our fine city is a bit telling of things yet to come...

Our most dangerous adversaries aren't men in caves, they are men in nice suits with American flag buttons on their lapels.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nikola Tesla... Snubbed Again

Nikola Tesla, arguably the greatest mind of the 20th century had a dream... He could be called the original environmentalist because of his concept for free, clean energy. Around the turn of the century, His Wardenclyffe Tower would have been just that, the wireless transmission of free electricity to the world. When his financier, J.P. Morgan found out Tesla's ultimate goal of free energy he pulled funding leaving Tesla no choice but to abandon his incomplete project. To add insult to injury, Marconi was given the Nobel Prize in 1909 for the invention of Radio, which Tesla clearly invented.

So now we fast forward to present day, to some assholes at Intel... The article praises Intel like they came up with some radical original concept for the wireless transmission of electricity. Nikola Tesla, given the shaft one more time in spite of his vital contributions to science and humanity...

Read the Yahoo Article regarding Intel here

Read about Nikola Tesla's Wireless Energy experiments here

Monday, August 18, 2008

Metallica Is Playing Portland!

Saturday November 1st, 2008 At the Rose Garden Arena...

I'm there dude...

Check Out One Of The New Songs Here!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Martial Law Is Declared In Arkansas Town.

As a response to rampant crime, the Mayor of a town in Arkansas has declared a 24 hour curfew. Worst yet, he believes it is his right to do it! And even worse than that, certain members of the community believe it's within his power as Mayor and it's a good thing!

It's unconstitutional and not within his mayoral power. Only the Governor can declare martial law and there are huge constraints put upon that (natural disaster, riots, terror attacks..etc). Usually the National Guard is called upon to set up and control the imposed martial law but instead, the Mayor armed his city Police with assault rifles to which he said was to protect them from the criminals who have automatic weapons. Whatever the case may be, it's illegal and those people are basically being held hostage.

Read more about it here

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Serenity Character Type... fuck yeah!

Your results:
You are Malcolm Reynolds
Honest and a defender of the innocent. You sometimes make mistakes in judgment but you are generally good and would protect your crew from harm.

Malcolm Reynolds (Captain) - 75%
Derrial Book (Shepherd)- 70%
Kaylee Frye (Ship Mechanic)- 65%
Zoe Washburne (Second-in-command)- 65%
River Tam (Stowaway)- 55%
Dr. Simon Tam (Ship Medic) - 40%
Jayne Cobb (Mercenary)- 35%
Inara Serra (Companion)- 35%
Wash (Ship Pilot)- 30%
A Reaver (Cannibal)- 20%
Alliance- 20%

Click here to take the Serenity Firefly Personality Test

Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm gifted

Yes thats right...

A big screw you is in order to all the haters and doubters I've encountered in my intellectual journey towards complete cognitive domination!

Here's the results for those of you who doubt the synaptic power of my beautiful BRAIN!! -

Hey Scott!

You scored 140 on our IQ Test.

Your IQ Range is 130 - 140 and you are GIFTED.

Congratulations on completing our IQ test! Based on your answers to the test questions, your IQ is between 130 and 140.

IQ scores are based on a scale where a score of 100 is the average score. By scoring higher than 100, you have shown that you have a higher than average intelligence level. Your score range of 130 to 140 indicates that you are gifted, so again, congratulations are in order!

Your intelligence level can say a lot about how you approach life. By having a high score, you are someone who can face their challenges and often overcome them easily. You look at the world and are able to make sense of it by fitting together the pieces of the puzzle.

Thank you for taking our fun IQ test!

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Wow... I had no idea that such a small part could make such a huge difference. My Toyota Truck made so much noise and vibrated so violently I thought all the fillings were going to fall right out of my teeth! Timmy, My Vietnamese Mechanic, installed them last Monday and my truck has never driven better! 400,000 Kilometers on it and running. In miles thats about 248,000! 22-RE motors will run forever. They are more like Terminators than engines. In the event of a nuclear war there will be nothing left but Cockroaches and Toyota Trucks with perfectly functioning 22-REs!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Swiss Particle Accelerator Goes Online September 10th... Could Destroy The Universe *yawn*

The Large Hadron Collider is going online very soon. It's supposed to mimic the conditions just after the Big Bang. This will be a giant leap forward for physics but some scientists think it could cause a catastrophe of extremely fucked up proportions!

There are two alternate theories of what negative consequences might ensue... It could create a tiny black hole which would proceed to destroy the Earth and quite possibly the entire Solar System. It could also create a particle which is called a Strangelet. A Strangelet produced by a particle accelerator is a hypothetical particle which, if it came in contact with ordinary matter, would turn it into Strange Matter in a chain reaction which is unstoppable and quick.

Of course there are scientists that say nothing will happen at all... There always are! I wonder if since I am already sort of strange if the Strangelet particle will turn me ordinary?

Yahoo Article (leaving out any hint of potential danger)

NY Times article regarding the lawsuit filed to prevent collider from opening

Saturday, August 2, 2008

The X-Files: I Want To Believe

When I heard that Chris Carter was going to release a new X-Files movie I felt lukewarm about it. For most of the series run, the show was incredible. In the end it wasn't very memorable to say the least.

But now we have this new film X-Files - I Want To Believe. I saw the preview for the film and assumed it was a continuation of the 'black oil' storyline. The black oil was a mysterious organic, extraterrestrial substance which was unearthed by a core sample in Antarctica. It entered living creatures through the skin and facilitated their assimilation and mind-control. I was never quite sure what it was exactly. X-Files - Fight The Future's storyline was about the black oil. I've never been a huge fan of X-Files stories about extraterrestrials or UFO's. I was pleased to find that the movie was about something entirely different.


This film takes it's idea from the two very real subjects of illegal organ trafficking and bizarre medical experiments. Mulder and Scully are recruited by the FBI to assist them with a psychic former priest who claims to have information about an abducted FBI agent. The psychic insists that the agent is still alive but in captivity and in grave danger. Mulder believes the priest while Scully is skeptical (imagine that). Mulder finds the compound and quickly realizes the dangerous situation he's gotten himself in to. The compound employs Russian doctors who are continuing the 1940s experiments of Sergei Brukhonenko and S. Tchetchuline. In actual fact, these doctors were able to attach a dog head to a heart-lung machine and keep head alive for a long period of time without a body. In the X-Files movie they are attempting the same thing except they are also attempting to reattach a human head onto another body. Experiments to reattach a severed head have been performed as well, on apes of course. The doctors were not able to restore any movement (the spinal cord had to be severed) and due to surgical limitations they were forced to attach the head on backwards. The ape survived the experiment but died a short time later.

I loved the X-Files episodes that dealt with bizarre human behavior so this film was right up my alley. If you're expecting Little Green Men then you'll be disappointed.

actual archive video of living dog head