Friday, September 12, 2008

Cynthia Mckinney and Rosa Clemente - Green Party Candidates For President

I was pleased to learn that Cynthia Mckinney has been nominated as the Green Party's candidate for the 2008 presidential election. Cynthia Mckinney served 6 terms as a United States Representative in Georgia. In 2002, she became involved in 9/11 truth and continues to this day. She introduced articles of impeachment for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Condolezza Rice. She advocated unsealing the records of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. She is opposed to war with Iran and the Bush Doctrine of preemptive strikes. As President she would immediately remove all soldiers and contractors from Iraq and cut off war funding. From her history with 9/11 truth I believe that she would launch a new investigation in to the attacks of 9/11. She's my candidate. She doesn't have a chance in hell of winning, but I refuse to choose between the lesser of two evils.


Stephanie said...

The lesser of two evils argument is so 2000 and 2004.....I wish intelligent, qualified, progressive truth seekers would use that time and energy being intelligent, qualified, progressive and seeking the truth instead of spending a lot of time and money on making a selfish pointless point. I hear nothing about a Green Party except 2 months before election is about to happen. They have had 4 years to push for a third party in this election and lay the foundation but instead they just wait to make some kind of statement at the end of the campaigning.

Scott Crawford said...

It's an argument that is always valid.

Cynthia Mckinney, Ron Paul, Jesse Ventura and especially Dennis Kucinich to name a few have been tirelessly working to expose the real truth in a self-less manner. None of those people have personal axes to grind. It's not a pointless point. It's about our future and our safety. If Mccain/Palin win, every American's life is in danger. This isn't about simple politics anymore, it's a war. Mccain and Palin will bring great harm to America and death to millions of people. I believe this to be true. Obama is certainly a better option, He has to be... He better be. I'm not voting for him because my candidate has to be in favor for a new 9/11 investigation.

FYI, Cynthia Mckinney was nominated as the Green Party Candidate in May. The reason you didn't hear about it was because the mainstream media keeps the dog and pony show running in full swing. You wont even hear about them on NPR and it's not because they are not a credible candidate. Ron Paul was a Republican contender and he was intentionally shut out of debates. He also has evidence of voting fraud in many cases during the Republican primaries.

Bottom line is this... Whoever is steering this ship is going to make sure the candidate they want to get elected moves in to the White House in January of 2009. Only way to avoid it? I don't know, the options are scary to me honestly.

Stephanie said...

The last poll I just heard was that McCain surpassed Obama by 4 percentage points. I was certain George Bush would not win either election so I am not taking anything for granted. Unfortunately McPalin can continue to lie and nobody cares. The most watched show last week was America's got talent and people believe sound bites are true. Sound bites sway voters to vote against measures that will actually help them live better lives. Sound bites convince people to pass measures that send more of the general fund to the penal system to "keep us safer" but we create more criminals in our failing education system.
If Obama decides to continue using integrity as his platform he might not win. He has to play it safe, he has to play the two party game in McAmerica(tm), at least he is trying to maintain his stand against taking money from big pharmaceutical and big oil in the process and "change" the system. I have heard him be very specific on the issues, I have winced a few times when he has said some pretty dodgy things. I am a semi-public figure in the circles I run in. Some days I have to question if I was so diplomatic as to appear spineless.....but to win over hearts and minds and truly change the world I have to bend like a reed in the wind but lay deep roots so when the wind is done blowing I am still around to fight the good fight. I don't like that Obama has to mudsling and I am sure he loses sleep over it honestly. As he said in his speeches and quoted from MLK, it is the "fierce urgency of now' that has led him to run for president. I trust him and in a MUCH MUCH MUCH lesser degree understand that sometimes you have to win over the opponents so you can infiltrate the system and effect true change.

Unknown said...

I could support her if she hadn't assaulted a cop for no good reason.

You simply have to vote for Obama, because:

1) There are only two candidates with a snowball's chance: Obama and McCain.

2) As you note, a McCain presidency would be a disaster.

Also, how is Obama the lesser of two evils? The man just rocks ass, plain and simple. I don't agree 100% with every single piece of legislation he's ever supported, but you'll never agree 100% with any given candidate's voting record.