Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why I HATE the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

It's not a part of the United States Government that works in the best interests of the citizens of America or the citizens of the entire world for that matter. There are countless cases that prove the aforementioned statement. Here are a few examples.

* Bayer injectable blood clotting drug called Factor VIII - In the 1980s, Bayer sold millions of dollars worth of this drug in Europe, Asia and Latin America knowing full well that it was tainted with the AIDS virus. The FDA assisted them in keeping the entire situation under wraps while Bayer continued to sell the drug!

Learn More Here

* Thiomersal preservative in vaccines and a link to Autism - The FDA continues to yell, scream and jump up and down that there is no harmful effects from this preservative made from MERCURY. They say there is not enough evidence to prove it, but is there enough evidence to disprove it? Are all these vaccinations really necessary? They recommend vaccinations for Influenza, multiple forms of Hepatitis and HPV for girls. The HPV vaccination has recently been linked in random illnesses and deaths in young girls. Some even say that the vaccination itself can cause cancer! The Flu vaccination has or atleast had Thiomersal in it at one time and of course there are a lot of complaints of people developing influenza after getting vaccinated for it. In much the same way that scientists can't say for certain that the microwaves emitted by cellphones do or do not cause cancer, we must assume that the safety of the alleged vaccines are similar. Going back to the Thiomersal issue and the FDA, I must ask rheorically... Isn't is a proven fact that heavy metals like Mercury and lead are dangerous when ingested, so how can you say that Thiomersal is safe? Amalgam dental fillings contain Mercury, studies were recently released saying that old fillings are potentially dangerous... But I thought that Mercury was safe for you!? You need a tooth filled? I urge you to get composite fillings!

* It takes them years to complete studies to approve drugs and procedures even when alot of times they end up approving things that are harmful anyway. My friend Jim is dying of cancer as we speak. He could benefit from technology invented by John Kanzius. Kanzius developed a machine that uses radio waves to pinpoint and destroy cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. The tests on laboratory rats were highly successful. Of course, because of the FDA, Human trials are still years away. The Inventor of the machine is a cancer patient and might not even be able to cure himself with it! Nazi Doctors performed horrendous medical experimentation on unwilling subjects but it's a fact that a huge wealth of medical knowledge was gained from German Nazi Doctors. Some of the greatest leaps in medical technology came from Nazi Doctors. Now before you all think I am totally insane, I think that some of what they did was wrong and evil, but why can't we perform human trials on terminally ill people if they are willing? Fucking FDA!

Learn about John Kanzius's cancer killing machine


Stephanie said...

I agree with you about the FDA. I also agree that even minute traces of heavy metal should not be considered acceptable.
As a parent of someone with autism I think that the people who pinpoint the vaccines as the cause should use their anger, money, and influence to stop pointing fingers and asking for compensation and address the fact that our kids are swimming in a fucking pollution soup from the moment of conception getting bigger next to our toxic bowels and then breathe polluted air the second they come out and were diapers and clothing with dangerous chemicals that are found in extremely high levels in breast milk and are starting puberty as early as 8 years old because of the hormones in cows and eat fish with higher levels of mercury than a vaccine and play with toys that have lead paint on them and then have a label that gets them kicked out of public places and face intolerance and persecution by people who say they are advocates but only care about their careers and drilling in the fucking ocean for oil.....I mean who gives a shit about our children when the rapture is going to take us all away like some kind of calgon bubble bath in the sky....I'm just sayin.

Scott Crawford said...

yeah! Hell yeah!

Unknown said...

One good reason why it's unethical to conduct human trials on terminally ill patients is because not every patient with a terminal diagnosis is actually going to die. People get misdiagnosed all the time.

For example, if you test positive for HIV (which ~99% of the population doesn't have), and the test has a false positive rate of 5%, You can be 95% sure you have HIV, right? Wrong. Elementary probability (Bayes' Rule, to be precise) indicates that there's actually an 84% chance that you don't have HIV: though the test is wrong only 5% of the time, since the condition is so rare, chances are your test is one of those times. (You may find this hard to believe; I did too, but I've done the math.)