To preface this entire rant I must first point out that I am a professional driver. The order goes something like this...
1) God
2) Stunt Driver (drifting, drag racing, etc)
3) Nascar or Indycar Driver
4) Class-A CDL Drivers (Me)
5) Non Class-A CDL Delivery Drivers
6) A Kid Operating a Powerwheel
7) A Small Child Playing With A Toy Car
8) A Crackhead Driving A Car Without A License
456,265,127, 033) Your Average Class-C Portland Area Driver
For the love of God people! What the fuck do you call this shit you do? It's incredible...
First thing I must bitch about is the crosswalk laws! This is retarded, nothing less. It's stupid because I think it has the potential to cause car crashes, pedestrian injuries and deaths. Countless times when I've stopped for a pedestrian using the crosswalk, the person in the lane next to me (going the same direction as me) will not stop and nearly kill the pedestrian. You can't blame the pedestrian for this and it's even hard to blame the driver because no one can see anything! I'm from Illinois and there, if you walk out into the street with oncoming traffic they'll just run you over. As well they should! People need to have more respect for these 5000 lbs. chunks of rubber, steel and plastic barreling down the street with idiots at the controls. A girl I once knew, Jocelyn Latka, was hit and killed near 39th and Taylor street. Now Jocelyn was no idiot, she was actually really bright. Sometimes I wonder if she crossed the street thinking the truck wouldn't proceed until she was across? We'll never know because shes dead. We must stop this ensuing bloodbath and changes the pedestrian crosswalk laws.
Another issue with Portland drivers I have is this... You Motherfuckers are too damned cautious!
I've said for a long time that overly cautious drivers cause far more wrecks than a normal cautious or even a lower than normal cautious driver. Of course you dumbshits aren't cautious enough to watch out for people who might peek their heads around a crosswalk! That's the one exception to the rule. Otherwise you slow to a pathetic crawl if it starts to sprinkle outside. I have no idea what thats about since It rains 364 days a year in Portland. You'd think you'd learn how to drive in the rain. And god forbid it snows! I've never seen such a collection of piss-ants in my life! Pull over and chain up if you need to.
I have no idea what this is about but I do know if makes me crazy. Why do some people stop 500 feet behind the car in front of them at a red light? Do you have no depth perception? It takes a special kind of asshole to do this. In times like this it would be nice to be driving a Monster Truck instead of a beer truck. Please people, it makes you look really stupid and it makes you look like an pretentious asshole. Kind of like these people who park their cars in a parking lot and park horizontally in a vertical parking spot. Every time I see that I pray with all my heart to god that a shopping cart would come down out of heaven and put a huge dent right in the car door.
Portland drivers just need to re-study the basic rules of the road. I see people who are going straight through a green light but stop to let the person making a left turn go. All the while they are preventing the normal flow of traffic. STOP IT!!!!
Finally I need to say to everyone... When I am making a turn in my semi and it appears that my tractor is going to ram your car because I swung out so far in the intersection... don
t worry! I AM NOT GOING TO HIT YOU... I have to swing out and make wide turns to give my trailer enough room to clear the curb and not take out any light posts or pedestrians. So quit getting that horrified look on your faces. If I did fuck up and hit your car it wouldn't kill you anyway. I am only going maybe 7 mph tops. You would get a new or fixed car and probably alot of money if that happened so you should hope I hit you... Quit driving so nice, watch out for pedestrians, Drive with a normal amount of caution and do it aggressively, pull up all the way at an intersection and stay out of my way!