Thursday, July 24, 2008

Much love to Willie Nelson...

Willie Nelson appeared on the first hour of the Alex Jones Radio Program on Wednesday. He agreed to have try to have a 9/11 Truth concert in New York on or around September 11th, 2008. The proceeds will go to the families of the victims and towards the heath care expenses of the first responders who were made sick from the toxic air. This will also give much needed exposure to 9/11 truth and also inform people about the governments plan to invade Iran in much the same meaningless way Iraq was invaded. Hopefully this event will be of such a magnitude that the media will not be able to ignore it like the Ron Paul Freedom March in Washington D.C.(district of criminals).

Willie Nelson, in addition to being a legendary music star has always looked after the needs of the less than fortunate. Farm Aid is a bright shining example of his tireless and selfless work for others. Thank you Willie Nelson!!!!

** Jesse Ventura also agreed to make an appearance! Thank you Jesse!

Read about this and other news here!

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