Saturday, July 12, 2008

My Pet Goat

The life of a United States President is, by nature, very transparent. Between scheduled meetings, press conferences, Vacations and golf games, a U.S. President is under the eye of public scrutiny for most of their term in office. Today I was watching a documentary entitled "9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising" by documentary film maker Alex Jones. In it he showed the widely shown clip of President Bush reading the book, My Pet Goat to a bunch of kids in a classroom. I thought to myself today that this has got to be one of the most cliche' alibis. For example: Mr. Smith, what were your whereabouts and what were you doing when the man your wife has been having an affair with was found with a Columbian Necktie ? Ahhhh.. I was sitting in a classroom reading a children's book to third graders! I have 31 witnesses including the teacher! All the while the man hired a hitman to rip the adulterous man's tongue through his throat. I Just think that it is funny that the orches-traitors of 9/11 would have Bush doing that at the moment of the attacks. Since then, when was the last time he has read to school children or served food in a soup kitchen? Bush is the focal point of many 9/11 truthers disgust. I think it's important to remember that there are many cogs in the great wheel. Bush is really just the face of the operation.

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