Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Walmart strikes again in the name of EVIL!

AC/DC has signed a deal which would make Walmart the EXCLUSIVE retailer authorized to sell their upcoming new album which is untitled at this time. HELLS BELLS! That's COLD HEARTED MAN! They sure do have BIG BALLS, I guess MONEY TALKS! I'd like to have been a FLY ON THE WALL of that DAMNED FUROR of a meeting. All I'm saying is that Walmart really has GOT YOU BY THE BALLS if you're an AC/DC fan! I will not buy that album COME HELL OR HIGHWATER! Walmart.. IF YOU WANT BLOOD, YOU GOT IT! You and your ALL SCREWED UP corporation is on a HIGHWAY TO HELL! You INJECT THE VENOM into hearts of the common man! I hope that this whole deal gets SHOT DOWN IN FLAMES! It's going to SHAKE YOUR FOUNDATIONS when you find the fans will STAND UP against this LANDSLIDE of shit! It's like we are all getting KICKED IN THE TEETH by Angus and the guys! ARE YOU READY for the MELTDOWN? COME AND GET IT, IF YOU DARE! We can't stand for this people! This is a ROCK AND ROLL DAMNATION!


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