Traffic on I-5 North is usually a cluster about 3pm-6pm. So when you jerk-offs are traveling home after your workday please try and remember this ...
Next one of you shit-for-brains motherfuckers that decides to use the exit only lane for I-405 as a way to pass EVERYONE instead of waiting patiently to be let in is going to feel the wrath of my 80,000 lbs. of anger otherwise known as Bud Light Truck!!! You cocksuckers do it every fucking day and I hate you all. You should be thankful my truck isn't equipped with a fucking turret and a scope because I'd pick every one of you turdburglers off one by shitty one.
YOU are the reason that traffic on I-5 sucks! Instead of merging like civilized people you feel that have to use any diabolical, cockamamie way ever imagined to get at the head of the line. Do you realize that when you do that you are creating a perfect shitstorm of traffic? Traffic is already trying to let the responsible drivers (who merge properly) in. This slows down things enough, but NOOOOOO... You have to travel up the I-405 lane and then sometimes on the shoulder to get all the way to the Swan Island exit! After that, you merge over back on to I-5 and REALLY fuck shit up. I hate you all I wish your cars would explode. Maybe even with you in them, I'm not sure. I haven't decided if I hate you that much yet.
Take heed ye sons and daughters of whores, (censored by Hortanium!) and (censored by Hortanium!) are on a seek and destroy mission...
1 week ago
Turdburgler.....I barely knew her.
Niiiice, niiice... I know I would be scared right now if I were one of them!!
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